Zallakesh Spaceport Alien

According to C-3PO, "everything dangerous and criminal likes to call Zallakesh home." This alien encountered by Coby at the Zallakesh spaceport is no exception. Seen with blaster at the ready while riding a large beast of burden, he soon comes into a confrontation with Coby and attempts to shoot the boy on more than one occasion.
Character Introduced: 1985
Character Last Used: 1985
Appearances (Droids TV): Episode 9
Action Figures: None
StarWars.com Databank entry: None
Wookieepedia biography: Zallakesh Spaceport Alien
Character Introduced: 1985
Character Last Used: 1985
Appearances (Droids TV): Episode 9
Action Figures: None
StarWars.com Databank entry: None
Wookieepedia biography: Zallakesh Spaceport Alien